Risks & Benefits of Neutering Dogs WebinarLIVE
Risks & Benefits of Neutering Dogs WebinarLIVE
As veterinary surgeons, we’re responsible for helping people make choices on behalf of vulnerable animals. An informed choice to neuter requires a high degree of confidence that the long-term benefits outweigh the costs.

To date, every published neutering risk study involves retrospective analysis of hospital records. These so-called observational studies are limited by one irrefutable fact. Although they can highlight correlations, observational studies cannot prove a causal relationship – and so far, dog neutering hasn’t received a fair trial because it hasn’t been afforded a proper defence.

The highest profile observational study assessing neurtering is entitled Assisting Decision-Making on Age of Neutering for 35 Breeds of Dogs: Associated Joint Disorders, Cancers and Urinary Incontinence Dr Farrell decided to tackle the assumptions made in this study based on his expertise as a specialist surgeon, his experience as a clinical researcher, his statistical literacy and the fact that working in referral practice, he has a level of independence given that he doesn’t perform neutering surgery. In this webinar, Dr Farrell will present an unbiased evidence-based risk-analysis of canine neutering.

Don’t miss what promises to be an enlightening – and potentially controversial – event.
_Picture Logo
Mike Farrell
BVetMed CertVA CertSAS DECVS MRCVS Referral Clinician - Orthopaedic Surgery
Duration: 1:25:14
Wednesday, 23 August 2023

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