What's the Deal with the New FIV Guidelines? WebinarLIVE!
What's the Deal with the New FIV Guidelines? WebinarLIVE!
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) remains one of the most common infections diagnosed in cats in clinical practice worldwide.
Despite this, much is still unknown about the disease.
The new Australia and New Zealand Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Prevention and Management of FIV infection in Domestic Cats highlights everything that we know (and don't know) about FIV infection for local clinicians, including FIV epidemiology, diseases associated with FIV infection, FIV diagnosis (including common diagnostic dilemmas and how to solve them!), FIV vaccine efficacy and the impact of FIV vaccination on FIV testing.
This webinar, presented by Jacqui Norris & Mark Westman will focus on the most important updates contained in the new guidelines to help clinicians be Retroviral Ready!
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Jacqui Norris & Mark Westman
Duration: 1:17:40
Wednesday, 06 September 2023

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