Distance Education

Premium, intensive online veterinary CE  


Flexible & accessible online CE with peer-to-peer learning

TimeOnline OnDemand

Self-paced learning gives YOU control | Flexibility to learn and develop your skills where and when suits you best


Webinar series FREE to CVE Members


Short, Sharp & Sweet CE for the busy practitioner - 1 Hour, World Experts & FREE! 


Highly practical – develop the confidence to implement your new skills immediately


Concentrated & Intensive CE 

Workshops & Conferences

Immersive, interactive & practical
Expand your knowledge and confidence in your clinical passion.

Our DE programs are mentored by leading veterinary experts who provide feedback on each monthly module. Modules include written content, videos, quizzes, and assignments. Enhance your learning by joining tutor-moderated discussion forums and attending optional case-based or practical workshops. 

Quality online continuing education delivered by veterinary experts in short, manageable timeframes incorporating informal, social and collaborative learning with your peers

Build in-demand skills in key clinical areas. Engage with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum. The programs are further enhanced by concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and round out the program. Earn 10+ CPD points with completion of each TimeOnline course.

TimeOnline OnDemand are short online continuing education programs that allow you to learn in your own time. Control your own learning, moving quickly through topics you may find easier and spending more time and effort on the challenging ones. OnDemand learning is a stress-free and enjoyable learning process.


Delivered by content matter experts, each OnDemand course gives you access to videos, presentations, notes, supplementary readings and an opportunity to test your knowledge. Succinct and engaging, these courses are designed to fit around your busy life and within your areas of interest.

Webinars are an ideal way to brush up on your skills when you are time poor, restricted by location or just prefer bite size CE.

WebinarPLUS are pre-recorded webinars presented by veterinary experts selected by CVE. Being pre-recorded, you can watch each presentation in your own time and participate in the discussion forum, moderated by your presenter for up to one week after the WebinarPLUS release. You will receive 1 CPD point for each CVE WebinarPLUS completed.

Webinars are an ideal way to brush up on your skills when you are time poor, restricted by location or just prefer bite size CE.

WebinarLIVE! presentations are led by veterinary experts, watched in real time and are followed by an interactive Q&A. It’s your chance to interact with experts, ask your burning questions and get real-time answers. You will receive 1 CPD point for each CVEWebinarLIVE! completed.

Practical workshops are an ideal way to build confidence and competence in your skills.

With the ideally balanced combination of theoretical and hands-on education, our workshops allow participants to obtain the most benefit possible through the practical application of the skills being taught. Small group teaching with a high tutor to participant ratio will ensure that you benefit from individual attention from the highly regarded and experienced tutor/s. Nothing beats on-the-spot feedback as you learn a new procedure.

Invest in 1-5 days of distraction-free, focused and practical learning.

Immerse yourself in a specific area or discipline for one or more days, making the most of time to engage with keynote speakers and maximise the educational opportunity. Network with peers sharing similar interests; build the relationships to support you in practice.

Centre for Veterinary Education conferences are a fantastic way to invest in a few days of distraction-free, focused learning.

Immerse yourself in a specific area or discipline and make the most of this time to engage with keynote speakers and colleagues from across the globe.

Our practical workshops are an ideal way to build confidence and competence in your skills with the balance of both theory and hands-on education.

You’ll be able to obtain the highest benefit possible through the skills being taught with small groups and a high tutor to participant ratio ensures you will benefit from individual attention and on-the-spot feedback.


Small Animal Dentistry TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Tony Caiafa, Kayo Kuroda


TimeOnline OnDemand


This course will look at what is needed to operate a successful dentistry unit. As well as practical oral anatomy knowledge, dental nomenclature and dental equipment and instrumentation, the course covers how to take a whole mouth series of dental radiographs. An important focus isthe management of the most common disease in dogs: periodontal disease - from the consulting room to the surgery and then back to the home including treatment, homecare advice and disease prevention.

Anaemia & Transfusion Medicine TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Karen Brenner


TimeOnline OnDemand


This course aims to give general practitioners the tools to confidently formulate a diagnostic when presented with an anaemic dog or cat.

Canine Aggression: Approach & Management TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Sally Nixon


TimeOnline OnDemand


There are numerous myths surrounding canine aggression. Many veterinarians do not feel confident providing advice to owners about an aggressive dog. Without appropriate advice, owners may seek help from the internet or other sources that may be unreliable or not evidence based. As a result, animal welfare can be severely compromised, and human and animal safety can be at risk.

Equine Lacerations TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Ben Ahern


TimeOnline OnDemand


Lacerations are very common in horses. There are myriad ways to handle them and often we get stuck in our ways. This course aims to briefly review the basics but then expand to cover assessment, debridement, closure, stabilisation, monitoring, complications and managing expectations. The emphasis is on trying to push the boundaries to some degree on options so you feel confident to try some new things in handling this common injury in horses and achieve improved outcomes.

Emergency Care of Rabbits & Rodents TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Olivia Clarke


TimeOnline OnDemand


Rabbits and rodents are becoming increasingly common pets in today’s society. These patients have a profound, innate ability to mask signs of disease. The consequence of this is that they frequently present in a critical condition and require emergency care. This ability to hide clinical illness, combined with their small size and susceptibility to significant stress, can make them challenging creatures to treat.   This course aims to introduce the veterinary clinician to the principles of assessment, triage and stabilisation of rabbit and rodent emergencies. The first module outlines physical exam and diagnostic testing in critical patients. The second module discusses clinical consequences encountered in critical patients and their appropriate management.   The ultimate goal of this course is to improve the knowledge and confidence of veterinarians when faced with rabbit and rodent emergencies and empower them to provide a higher level of care to these species.

Top Tips for Successful Biopsies TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Melanie Dobromylskyj


TimeOnline OnDemand


This course aims to help you get the best out of your histopathology submissions, including how to optimize your biopsies, fix them appropriately and avoid annoying artefacts which can lead to non-diagnostic samples. Practical advice on how to approach particularly challenging samples, such as limb amputations, spleens and large tumours, is covered. The course also provides critical information on to include on the submission form, how tumour margins are assessed, and an insight into what happens in a histology laboratory.

Common Conditions in Ferrets TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Olivia Clarke


TimeOnline OnDemand


Historically, domesticated ferrets were predominantly kept for hunting rabbits and rodents. Ferret ownership has changed considerably since their early days of domestication. Now, many households keep ferrets as much-loved pets and are considered cherished members of the family. With ferret ownership continuing to grow, this rising popularity and perceived value has naturally driven an increase in clients seeking high standards of veterinary care for these animals. As such, it is important for veterinarians to understand how to examine and provide care for ferrets and to be familiar with the common conditions encountered in ferrets, including diagnosis and management of such conditions.

Getting Started with Neurology TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Steven de Decker


TimeOnline OnDemand


Neurology is often considered a challenging specialty. It is therefore often assumed that neurology cases can only be managed in specialty referral hospitals. In contrast to popular belief, many small animal neurology patients can however be successfully managed in a first opinion setting. Recognizing the neurological nature and characterizing the clinical problem are the most important aspects of clinical neurology. During this course we hope to break down some of the barriers associated with neurology. We will discuss the absolute minimum of neuro-anatomy you should know, how to perform a neuro-exam in practice, and how to recognize the most likely differential diagnoses without expensive and advanced diagnostics. The concept of problem-based clinical reasoning will be central in answering the most important clinical questions. This course is aimed at primary care veterinary clinicians that don’t feel comfortable assessing neurology patients in practice.

Avian Patients: Assessment & Diagnosis TimeOnline OnDemand

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Speaker/s: Bob Doneley


TimeOnline OnDemand


Many veterinarians, when confronted with an avian patient, feel out of their depth and uncomfortable – perhaps feeling that their level of knowledge about these unique patients somehow makes them unqualified to approach them with confidence. This course aims to not only provide veterinary staff with the information they need to work up an avian patient, but also to help them realise that it is simply an extension of the principles they have already been taught (and use every day) in the assessment of patients of (more orthodox) species. This course is aimed at graduate veterinarians, veterinary nurses and technicians, and veterinary students.
