Seizure Management for Nurses & Techs WebinarPLUS NurseEd
Seizure Management for Nurses & Techs WebinarPLUS NurseEd
What do you do when a patient comes into the hospital, and they are actively seizing? This is an emergency that as vet nurses and technicians we should know how to control the situation. While we work under the direction of a veterinarian, understanding the why and what can cause seizures in our patients is important to know. In this webinar, Lisa Partel discusses the background on seizure disorders as well as what to do in an emergency, and how to nurse patients who are actively seizing or are recovering from a seizure.
What do you do when a patient comes into the hospital, and they are actively seizing?

This is an emergency that as vet nurses and technicians we should know how to control the situation. While we work under the direction of a veterinarian, understanding the why and what can cause seizures in our patients is important to know. In this webinar, Lisa Partel discusses the background on seizure disorders as well as what to do in an emergency, and how to nurse patients who are actively seizing or are recovering from a seizure.
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Lisa Partel
Duration: 1:03:15
Monday, 17 July 2023

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